Single Tooth Dentures

Single tooth dentures If the dentist finds that you are a person who needs a dental implant, he will refer you to a dental specialist or oral surgeon who will carry out thorough extensive inspection and revise your medical and dental history. It will be determined by a dental specialist if you have a systemic disease that will indicate the option for a dental implant. If no systemic issues arise, then x-rays will be taken to create impressions of your teeth and gum tissue to provide an accurate miniature of your mouth. A Single Tooth Denture implant is often recommended for people who experience a traumatic injury, or who did not have a tooth rupture in the anterior area of their mouth or who have lost a behind tooth from advanced dental decay or an unsuccessful root canal. Advantages of a Single Tooth denture ● A single tooth dental implant is generally preferred over a fixed bridge that is attached to two or more teeth. Ot...